Collection: Privacy Policy

What information do we collect?

We gather personal information that you furnish to us during product purchases or website visits. The types of information we might collect comprise:

--Personal Identifiers: Such as your name, email address, postal address, phone number, social security number, driver's license number, state ID card number, passport number, military ID number, and online identifiers.
--Internet Activity
--Commercial Information: Including purchase details
--Financial Information: Such as credit or debit card numbers
--Location Information: Encompassing general location data and precise geolocation

How do we protect customers information?

Ensuring the protection of visitor information is of utmost importance to us. We employ a comprehensive array of security measures to safeguard your personal data. Your information is securely stored behind fortified networks, accessible only to a select few individuals with specialized access privileges. These personnel are bound by confidentiality agreements to ensure the confidentiality of your data.

When you engage in activities such as placing orders or accessing your personal information, we provide the added security of a secure server. Any sensitive or credit-related information you provide is transmitted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, which encrypts the data during transmission. Once received, this information is further encrypted and stored in our databases, accessible only to authorized personnel as described above.

In addition to these measures, we regularly update our security protocols to adapt to evolving threats and ensure the continued protection of your information. Our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data security underscores our dedication to safeguarding your privacy and peace of mind.

Cookie Policy

Our website utilizes cookies to enhance your browsing experience. Cookies play a role in various aspects, such as preventing repetitive logins and retaining items in your shopping cart. Additionally, we employ third-party cookies, which are placed by external parties for advertising and analytics purposes. You have the option to manage these cookies through your browser settings.

Information from External Sources

We may gather personal data about you from third-party origins, including other consumers (e.g., referrals).

The types of information we may collect include:
--Other consumers (e.g., referrals)
--Personal Identifiers: Such as email addresses and telephone numbers

Reasons for Processing Your Information

We engage in the processing of personal information for various business and commercial objectives, including:
  • Analyzing Data
  • Conducting Surveys
  • Establishing Customer Profiles
  • Delivering Targeted Advertisements
  • Fulfilling Customer Orders
  • Enhancing Our Products and Services
  • Internal Business Operations
  • Managing Event and Guest Information
  • Marketing Our Products and Services
  • Ensuring Compliance and Meeting Legal Requirements
  • Operating Our Website or Mobile Applications
  • Preventing Fraudulent Activities
  • Processing Payments
  • Providing Customer Support
  • Sending Promotional Communications
  • Storing and Managing Data
  • Tracking Purchases and Customer Information

How can you manage your preferences, update, or delete the information you've provided to us?

To adjust your email subscriptions, simply modify your preferences in the "My Account" section. Please be aware that due to our email production schedules, you may continue to receive emails that were already in production.

You can access the "My Account" section on our website to edit or delete your shipping addresses, billing addresses, and payment information. However, please note that we may retain certain details related to individual sales transactions for servicing purposes.

Alternatively, you can reach out to us directly to request the deletion of all your online account information from our database, including but not limited to the aforementioned details.

Terms and Conditions

Please also visit our Terms and Conditions section establishing the use, disclaimers, and limitations of liability governing the use of our website.

Your Consent

By using our site, this means you consent to our privacy policy.